Thursday, May 15, 2014

Kindergarten: What Our Little Ones Need to Know Before They Get There

Since Trinadi was born I have wanted to make sure I was giving her as much knowledge as I could to make sure she was prepared for what was to come in her future. But I didn't want to create a little robot and I wanted her to enjoy her child hood. So I wasn't going to sit her down and try and drill facts into her brain. What I have discovered is she picks things up naturally. The more we played the more she knew. She even surprises me with skills I didn't even realize she was learning.

So I got to thinking. What does she need to know for kindergarten. So I started researching what teachers look for when a child starts Kindergarten. This is what I have found. I do not claim that this is all inclusive however I think it is a pretty good list to go by. Remember though it is only a guide. All of our little ones are different! 

  • Identify 10 colors: red, yellow, blue, green, orange, purple, black, white, brown, pink
  • Explores and uses art material 
  • Participates in group music experiences and creative movement/dance
  • Can play make believe with objects, situations, and role play
  • Sorts by color, shape and size
  • Recognizes simple patterns and duplicates them
  • Orders and separates objects based on one atribute
  • Recite numbers up to 20
  • Counts objects up to 10
  • Can match and identify numerals 0-10
  • Identify 4 shapes: circle, square, rectangle, triangle
  • Understands concepts of direction and position: up/down, under/over, in/out, behind/in front of, beside/between, top/bottom, inside/outside, above/below, high/low, off/on, first/last, far/near, go/stop
  • Understands comparative words: big/little, large/small, short/long, slow/fast, few/many, empty/full, less/more
  • Recites/sings alphabet
  • Identifies and matches upper and lower case letters
  • Uses scribbles, shapes, pictures and letter-like symbols to communicate ideas and write words.
  • Listens with interest to stories read aloud
  • Retells information from a story
  • Sequences 3 pictures to tell a logical story
  • Speaks clearly enough to be understood without contextual clues
  • Relates experiences with some understanding of sequence of events
  • Follows 1 and 2 step directions
  • Listens with understanding to directions and conversations
  • Follows rules and routines
  • Manages transitions (going from one activity to the next)
  • Demonstrates normal activity level
Approach to Learning
  • Shows eagerness and curiosity to learn
  • Persists in task and seeks help when encountering a problem
  • Is pleasant and cooperative (generally)
Interactions with Others
  • Interact easily with one or more children
  • Interacts easily with familiar adults
  • Participates in group activities
  • Plays well with others
  • Takes turns and shares
  • Cleans up after play
Resolving Conflicts
  • Seeks adult help when needed
  • Uses words to resolve conflict
Gross-Motor Skills
  • Pedals and steers a tricycle
  • Jumps in place, landing on two feet
  • Can make 7 consecutive jumps
  • Balance on one foot for 5 seconds
  • Can hop 2-3 times on one foot
  • Can throw a ball 5ft in with direction
  • Catches a ball with arms and body
  • Climb a ladder
  • Skip smoothly for 20 feet
Fine-Motor Skills
  • Stacks 10, one-inch blocks
  • Strings 4 1/2" beads in 2 minutes
  • Complete a 7 piece puzzle
  • Make a pancake, snake and ball from playdough
  • Grasp a pencil and scissors correctly
  • Copies first name
  • Copies vertical, horizontal, circle, cross, square, V, triangle lines
  • Prints first name without a model
  • Cuts shapes and lines out of construction paper: 6" Straight line, a 3" square, 3" triangle, 3" circle
  • Uses glue stick and appropriate amount of glue for tasks
Do not stress if your child doesn't do everything perfectly.  They learn best with hands-on experiences, not memorization or drill practices. Make a game out of it. Silly songs help with learning and kids love them! I even have the ABC's and numbers on flash cards hung up in Trinadi's play room. She lets me know when she wants to "Do her letters" as she puts it. I let her lead the play time. As she gets older learning will become more structured, but she's 2. :)

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